OET Exercises

OET Exercises

Occupational English Test exercise  Preparing for the Occupational English Test, OET exam? These exercises will help you prepare for the exam – answer key below! 1. Match the medical-related expressions with the correct definitions   to get a chit from the...
OET Exercises

Cambridge Proficiency exam exercises

Cambridge Proficiency / C2 Exam Preparation Are you looking for a course that will prepare you for the Cambridge Proficiency or C2 exam? Our online and face-to-face courses will give you strategies for the speaking, listening, reading, writing and use of English parts...
OET Exercises

CPE C2 exam exercises

CPE C2 exam exercise Preparing to take the CPE C2 exam this year? We’re here to help! The exercises below will help you preapre for the test. At Progress English we’re experts in preparing for Cambridge exams. Based in Bristol UK, we offered tailored...
OET Exercises

Occupational English Test

Occupational English Test exercise  Preparing for the Occupational English Test, OET exam? These exercises will help you prepare for the exam – answer key below! 1. Match the medical-related expressions with the correct definitions   to be at death’s door ...
OET Exercises

OET English Test Exercises

OET English Test for Healthcare exercise  Preparing for the English OET exam? We offer intensive OET courses for those looking to enter the healthcare industry in the UK. Our OET courses can be taken online or in Bristol face to face. In the meantime, these exercises...
OET Exercises

Cambridge CPE exam exercises

Cambridge CPE / C2 Exercise  Preparing for the Cambridge CPE exam? These exercises will help you learn useful words for Proficiency Cambridge Exams. Match the formal words to their corresponding informal synonyms Grasp                     Glean                 Glimpse...